Navigating the topsy-turvy world of Relationships

If we put our faces up too close to an object, we can’t view it properly; it is skewed and out of focus, and we can only see a part of it. We would have to move further away from the object in order to see any detail.  But when we take that step back, we can view the object in all its glory; we can see the whole package, exactly what is in front of us.

Sometimes we need to take a step back in order to see things clearly.

This applies particularly with relationships.

When we are too close to a situation, mentally and emotionally, we see only that which is immediately in front of us - often what we expect to see, which means we only really see what we perceive it to be in that skewed, out of focus viewpoint.  Taking that important step away from the situation can give us a bigger picture of what we have in front of us, and this is when we can really see it and appreciate it for what it is.

Having a tarot reading based on your current relationship allows you to distance yourself from the immediate emotional core, presenting you instead with an impartial and honest view of your relationship, your place within it and its long term potential.

The following tarot readings can help you to view your relationship from a new state of awareness:

  • Relationship Perspective

  • Twin Flame Journey to Togetherness

  • Celtic Cross

Is it suitable for you?  Yes, if you are in a current relationship and wish to understand yourself and your partner better, and ascertain your long term potential.

What it shows:  This tarot reading shows your current personal focus and that of your partner. You will see confirmation of immediate priorities and concerns, external circumstances that may be impacting your relationship, and guidance on overcoming any difficulties. It also explores your relationship together, identifying your strengths and weaknesses as a couple. Finally, there is an outcome card for the relationship itself.

Benefits:  It can result in a deeper understanding of your partner and what is going on with them, issues they may not currently be sharing with you. It can also increase your awareness of your own needs and priorities, and how this is in turn may be impacting the relationship. Awareness at this level can help to build a stronger, healthier relationship with long term potential.

Is it suitable for you?  This reading is ideal if you believe you are currently experiencing a twin flame soul connection, particularly in the stages before union. This is often the most challenging and painful of journeys, when self-doubt really kicks in for the twin who is more spiritually aware of what is happening.

If you are already in your twin flame relationship, you may wish instead to consider the Relationship Perspective reading, which will look into your connection together, and how you work as a team.

What it shows:  The very nature of a twin flame connection is never straight forward. In my experience, a simple spread doesn’t seem to fully get to the heart of the matter. Therefore I designed this reading with a view to delving in deep from the start. It shows, in detail, what is going on with your twin, and what is going on in your own world.

From your twin’s perspective, it will highlight what they are currently telling themselves, their external factors, and the truth - what they really feel underneath all the blustering and distractions of everyday life. For you, your perspective should reaffirm your own beliefs and how the connection may have changed you, the signs and synchronicities that you pick up on from around you and from your twin, your own current external circumstances, and where you should focus your attention in order to propel yourself forward for union.

The final card from each perspective shows the current status of your individual journey to union – and, trust me, this can be a bit of an eye-opener! For your twin, this card is dependent on their current behaviours and attitude and to their current external circumstances. For you, this will reveal if you aren’t as ready as you believe you are; the truth of your current status. 

As you are reading this, it is assumed that you are the one who is more open to the connection and spiritually aware and therefore you are the one who is naturally more open to the truth of the eventual outcome. However, if a final union outcome is apparent in this reading, it will be based on a continuation of the path that you are both taking on your individual journeys at the time of the reading.

Benefits: This in-depth tarot reading is aimed at helping you to navigate what is initially a difficult situation to comprehend in the earlier stages, and which can often develop into a long, complex and confusing journey – particularly as it may be hard to share your experiences with others. It aims to give some clarification to the connection, whilst reinforcing your own internal beliefs against the contradictory signs you may be receiving from the outside. There are always two sides to every story of course; by offering the perspective and current circumstances of your twin, this reading can provide clarity, peace of mind and comfort to you, along with a suggested focus for you to work on whilst you await union.

This reading is currently available at a special introductory price. Please see Request a Reading for more details.

Is it suitable for you?  Yes, if you are confused about a current relationship, or a situation within your relationship, and you seek more clarity and an idea of where it is heading on its current course.

What it shows: This tarot reading will show the situation, which I can determine from your energy is the uppermost on your mind at the time of the reading, and the likely outcome. If you currently feel confused, the cards can help you to see the truth in front of you - and sometimes painfully so!  The Celtic Cross can also be used to answer a specific question about your relationship. There is an overall outcome card, but that card manifesting into your reality is fully dependent on the decisions that you make as you follow your path. Remember also that you have the ability to alter the outcome if it is not as desired.

Benefits: The reading can provide an honest and impartial view into your relationship, which will increase your awareness of any sticking point within it, your own contribution to the situation, and how you can utilise skills and lessons learnt previously to influence the outcome so that it is as desired.

These tarot readings will enable you to dig deep into any concerns you may have, and equip you with the tools needed in order to ensure you benefit from a healthy, fulfilling relationship!


How to get the most out of your Tarot reading: Self-awareness


How to get the most out of your Tarot reading: Preparation